

AWS グローバルスタートアップチャレンジへの挑戦



 Q1.Please provide a summary of idea, application, product or service.
400 words left


Q2.How have you incorporated Amazon Web Services as part of your solution? Describe what services you have used and how.
500 words left

Q3.Are you running exclusively on AWS, or are you also using other providers? Please explain which parts of your product run on AWS.
500 words left
Q4.What was your inspiration or what problem does your company address and why does it matter?
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Q5.What is your solution or value proposition?
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Q6.What is your long-term vision for the company?
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Q7.What is your business model? How will you make money?
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Q8.Who is your target customer and how will you acquire users? Please include the total addressable market-segment size in your answer.
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Q9.Describe the stage your company is at in the design/development process. Also provide any indicators of market-segment traction.
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Q10.List key competitors or incumbents who could move into your space. What differentiates you from your competitors?
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Q11.Please provide brief bios of key team members. Why is this the right team for the opportunity?
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Q12.Why should your team win the AWS Startup Challenge?
200 words left